CTC Announces Foundation for Rural Service Grant to Support the Relationship Safety Alliance (RSA)

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), the philanthropic arm of NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association, announced the recipients of 36 Community Grants totaling nearly $170,000, the largest number of grants and greatest total annual allocation in its history—to close out the foundation’s 30th anniversary year. These grants will support a wide variety of projects aimed at improving quality of life across rural communities served by NTCA members.

CTC is pleased to announce the Relationship Safety Alliance as one of these grant recipients. The Relationship Safety Alliance received $5,000 to purchase and install Owl Labs video conference cameras at the Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center and Louise Seliski Shelter to enhance virtual communication and presentation capabilities, benefiting victims/survivors of domestic violence and child abuse, as well as staff and board members.

“The FRS grants are an incredible opportunity to support communities, and it’s exciting to see the Relationship Safety Alliance receive this award. This grant will surely help them continue making a difference,” said Andy Isackson, CTC Chief Marketing Officer and FRS Board Member.

For a complete list of awardees, visit frs.org/programs/grant-program/community-grant.

For more information, contact:

Andy Isackson, Chief Marketing Officer
218-454-1234 | andy@goctc.com

CTC is a technology advisor and full-service telecommunications company based in Brainerd, MN. Formed in 1952, CTC has grown into a complete communications provider offering telephone, high-speed internet, digital television, and IT services to businesses and individuals throughout central and northern Minnesota. More information about CTC can be found at www.goctc.com